Showing posts with label Andhra Pradesh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andhra Pradesh. Show all posts

Friday, 7 May 2021

Weird Indian Tribal Traditions

 Despite all the Technological Developments Humans have made over the centuries, there are Some Sections of Society who prefer to live with their Older Customs and Traditions. 

It is not that they are not aware of how easy Technology has made Human Life. Instead, they just choose to live with their Older Customs and Traditions. 

While we know extremely little about some of These Tribes, some others have opened up a little and given us a Glimpse into their Lives. Some of their Traditions make sense, but some are Downright Crazy and will make you Wonder what these people were thinking!

1. Sentinelese Tribe, Andamans

The Sentinelese Tribe is one of the most private tribes existing in the world. They are not just least interested in mingling with "Modern" Society, but are downright hostile when it comes to interactions with the outside world. We can't really talk much of their Tribal Traditions as hardly anything is known. But one weird fact is how fond these people are of buckets. Specifically, Red Buckets. When a group of Archaeologists managed to reach relatively close to the Island without being shot at with arrows, they received Buckets as Gifts, in Red and Green Colours along with Pigs. The Poor Pigs were killed and buried. Strangely, the Sentinelese took the Red Buckets but left the Green ones on the shore. Weird!

2. Jarawa Tribe, Andamans

While they do not hate Modern Population as much as the Sentinelese, they are still rooted in their Tribal Customs and Traditions. Unfortunately, the building of the Great Andaman Trunk Road has resulted in a lot of exploitation of the Tribes by Tourists and Modern Local Societies. The Jarawas are pretty weird when it comes to food though. They relish Fish, Pigs and other Animals but wouldn't touch a Deer, which the area is highly populated with. Perhaps they consider Deer Sacred. Also, the Tribal People of Jarawa change the names of their children post puberty. There is an elaborate ceremony held to celebrate, in which a boy has to hunt a Wild Pig and offer it to everyone in the Village and a Girl is Anointed in Clay, Pig Oil and Gum, post which the children are given their New Names. The Tribals are also aware of contraceptive policies and use herbs and plants as contraceptives!

3. Chenchus, Andhra Pradesh

The Chenchus are a Tribe residing mainly in Andhra Pradesh and speak a dialect of the Telugu Language known as Chenchu. The Chenchus of Andhra Pradesh are quite forward in their thoughts, compared to the rest of Indian Society, when it comes to matters of the heart. Chenchu Youth are free to marry whoever they wish to. There is no form of parental pressure or aggression. Also, the clan is divided into Gotras (like our caste system) and generally they do not marry within the same Gotra. Unlike our Rigid Society, Chenchu Tribes allow Divorce and Widows too are allowed to Remarry. Well, maybe our Society can take a few 'Lessons' from them?

4. Bhils, Rajasthan

The Bhil Tribe is one of the Biggest Tribes of India and comprises almost 39 percent of the Whole Rajasthani Population. Bhils are pretty independent and follow their own set of Rules and Customs. There is lot of freedom given to Bhil Women and Women are treated as equals by the Bhil Society. Tribal Women smoke Hookah and consume Liquor openly with Men and such activities are not looked down upon. Furthermore, the Bhil Community practices polygamy where a Woman is allowed to Remarry and have Multiple Partners after her Ist Marriage. 

5. Santhals, Eastern India

Santhals mainly occupy parts of Eastern India in West Bengal, Orissa, Jharkhand, Bihar and Assam. They do have some contact with the Urban World and Society and are Multilingual as they speak many Languages other than Santhali. However, their written script is new and was developed as recently as 1925. While not atheists, Santhals do not believe in Idol Worship. They have no Temples and no Idols! They instead, worship Local Gods and Spirits. They are Ghost-Fearing People and try and appease the "Ghosts" of their area. The Tribals often make Animal Sacrifices to appease these Ghosts.

6. Mundas, Jharkhand

This Tribe from Jharkhand is small in number but has achieved distinguished feats. The members of the Tribe are not backward or restricted to their Villages and have earned Laurels in the fields of Sports, Politics, Literature and Revolutionaries etc. Ram Dayal Munda, a member of the Tribe, has been awarded the Padma Shri Award too. However, one unique thing about the Tribe is how they derived their Surnames. The names are derived from the Legends of the Past. For eg. The Surname Dodrai is attributed to the lineage of the man who once ventured into the forest in search of honey. He found honey in the hollow of a Tree but in trying to extract it, his hair and body were completely smeared with the Liquid. The Villagers carried him home and used 7 Vessels of Oil to clean and soften his hair. Since then, his name became Dodrai and his lineage acquired the Surname! Each Munda Surname has such tales behind their inception. Crazy, is'nt it?

7. Khasi Tribe, Meghalaya

The Khasi Tribe is a pretty peace loving Tribe and they are named after the language they speak - Khasi Language. While most of the Khasis follow their Tribal Religion, there are many converts who have taken up other religions like Christianity and Islam. One thing that makes the tribe unique is that they are a Matrilineal Tribe, which means they carry on the Maternal Tradition. The children's Surnames are based on the Mother's Lineage and not the Fathers. Also, it is the Mother who inherits the Property and not the Father. Also, Khasi Tribals do not prefer Arranged Marriages. In case of a Divorce, the Woman has complete freedom. Her choice cannot be questioned and she owns the Children and Properties. The Property post death/conflicted Property always goes to the Youngest Daughter. Women, thinking of converting to the Khasi Tradition?

Another cool thing about them is their Divorce Method. While the Younger Generation does resort to courts, most of the Khasis follow the Traditional Method. The Husband hands the Wife 5 Paise which the Wife returns after adding 5 of her own. The Coins are then given to the Village Elder who throws them away. And done! Divorce complete!

Jio का शानदार ऑफर - बिना पैसे दिए 5 बार कर सकेंगे रिचार्ज

रिलायंस जियो ( Reliance Jio ) ने अपने करोड़ों कस्टमर्स के लिए शानदार प्लान की शुरुआत की है. इसके तहत अब ग्राहक ‘बिना पैसा दिए’ 5 बार तक रिचा...